Develop leadership characteristics.
1. Attend leadership workshops
2. Run for state office
3. Invite guest speakers
4. Start “supportive friend” program
5. Participate in peer counseling
6. Select a leader for the day, month
7. Help start a Edrising chapter in another school
8. Invite a new chapter to come to one of your events
9. Host a local leadership training/team building day for your chapter, district, or region
10. Hold banquet to honor outstanding members
11. Discuss leadership qualities
12. Hold parliamentary procedure workshop
13. Host region conference
14. Select a Edrising member as "Leader of the Month"
15. Create a classroom space (such as a display board or bulletin board to highlight a chapter member's leadership
16. Create a "Leaders Hall of Fame" in classroom featuring officers and committee chairs
Five Leadership Styles That Will Mess Up Your Team by Kent Julian
1. Attend leadership workshops
2. Run for state office
3. Invite guest speakers
4. Start “supportive friend” program
5. Participate in peer counseling
6. Select a leader for the day, month
7. Help start a Edrising chapter in another school
8. Invite a new chapter to come to one of your events
9. Host a local leadership training/team building day for your chapter, district, or region
10. Hold banquet to honor outstanding members
11. Discuss leadership qualities
12. Hold parliamentary procedure workshop
13. Host region conference
14. Select a Edrising member as "Leader of the Month"
15. Create a classroom space (such as a display board or bulletin board to highlight a chapter member's leadership
16. Create a "Leaders Hall of Fame" in classroom featuring officers and committee chairs
Five Leadership Styles That Will Mess Up Your Team by Kent Julian